SIM Programme Progress made in Vienna

By Samantha Carty, Momentum

Fourteen partners from seven European countries recently gathered in the beautiful Austrian city of Vienna for the third Social Impact Manager project meeting.

Representing, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, France, Greece, Ireland and Italy, our partnership includes higher education institutions and VET providers, business networks and platforms along with companies and organisations working in the education sector.

The meeting was led by project co-ordinators, the University of Peloponnese represented by Katerina Doundi, who started by reflecting on our research from earlier this year that will be included in our interim reporting and sharing updates on key work packages that focus on:

Content Development – It was the perfect opportunity for the participating universities supported by partners representing the business community to refine our curriculum content of the five core modules of the Social Impact Manager training programme under the guidance of work package three leaders, the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Rijeka (EFRI),

Course Delivery – We also discussed how we will structure the impactful programme for each country’s audience in workshops that will commence next year and the planning for the autumn International SIM School in Paris hosted by University of Paris I: Panthéon-Sorbonne.

Following our valuable discussions and decision-making we paid a fun visit to Vienna’s famous Christmas markets where we had the chance to catch up informally before dinner. A heartfelt thank you to die Berater Unternehmensberatungs GmbH for their generous hosting of our meeting and for introducing us to TOP-Lokal a sister socio-economic catering enterprise that helps long-term jobseekers re-enter the labour market through upskilling and work placement. It was very special to celebrate our progress and partnership in a place that is creating real social impact.

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