Social Impact Manager

Bridging between business and the local community

A link between corporate social responsibility

Few programmes in Europe are focused on the link between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and community development. The Social Impact Manager project proposes a complementary and innovative approach to CSR emphasising the social impact dimension of a company that intends to nurture and expand the link with its community of people and stakeholders.

We can roughly define the Social Impact Manager as a hybrid figure between a Corporate Social Responsibility Manager and a Community Development Officer.

SIM lies on the assumption that companies need communities, and communities need companies.

A link between corporate social responsibility

Few programmes in Europe are focused on the link between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and community development. The Social Impact Manager project proposes a complementary and innovative approach to CSR emphasising the social impact dimension of a company that intends to nurture and expand the link with its community of people and stakeholders.

We can roughly define the Social Impact Manager as a hybrid figure between a Corporate Social Responsibility Manager and a Community Development Officer.

SIM lies on the assumption that companies need communities, and communities need companies.

The Social Impact Manager is

4 Main Phases

SIM will be developed through four main phases and tested in five different EU countries: Italy, Austria, Greece, Croatia and France.

Phase Time Activities Output
May-Sep 2023
Mapping methodology for companies and communities
Research methodology, including engagement criteria
Sep-May 2024
Engagement of companies and communities
Surveys, Focus Groups, Interviews & Participatory Workshops
May-Nov 2024
Design of SIM Educational Programme Guide
SIM Educational Programme Guide
Dec 2024-Feb 2025
Tailoring of the SIM Programme at a local level
Course Guides
Jan-Aug 2025
Delivery of SIM Programmes
Programme Guide, online lessons, individual practical work for each participant
Sep-Nov 2025
Organisation of the International SIM School
Peer networking and knowledge sharing
Nov 2025-Feb 2026
Evaluate the impact of the SIM Programme
Impact Assessment Reports
May 2025-Apr 2026
Pave the way for SIM exploitation, transferability and replication
Upscaling Plan, Replication Workshops, Final Conference

Mahatma Gandhi

“You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results.”

SIM Project Brochure

The role of a SIM is characterised by the ability to facilitate collaboration between companies and their local communities, fostering community resilience. The main aim of the SIM project is to empower European companies to assume a more significant role in addressing contemporary societal issues. Learn more by downloading the brochure.

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