Our Next stop – Croatia for Co-Designing

The Social Impact Manager partners will meet on 5th & 6th June 2024 at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Rijeka (EFRI UNIRI), Croatia. Over two days, they will facilitate a co-designing session for the SIM Education Programme that will be launched in the five target countries (Austria, Croatia, Greece, France and Italy). The programmes will address young and adult professionals to build their capacities to work together with companies to generate social impact at a local level and launch the job profile of the Social Impact Manager.

Marko Tomljanović will be joined by Pavle Jakovac, Hrvoje Katunar, Jana Katunar, Danijela Sokolić and Alen Host in facilitating the SIM partner meeting

Before we meet in person, here’s some background on the higher educational institution. The Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Rijeka has a rich history and continues to be a vital institution in the region. Its origins date back to the early 1960s when it was founded as a constituent member of the University of Zagreb. Since its inception, the faculty has played a pivotal role in shaping economic thought, business practices, and international studies in Croatia.

Historically, the faculty has been at the forefront of economic and business education. Its early years were marked by dedication to providing students with a comprehensive understanding of economics and business management. Over the decades, it has expanded its curriculum and adapted to the changing economic landscape, ensuring that graduates are well-equipped to meet the demands of the modern world.

The faculty promotes excellence, offering a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs, and attracting students from diverse backgrounds and nationalities. Its commitment to bilingual education in Croatian and English promotes inclusivity and global engagement.

The faculty’s influence extends beyond the classroom, with faculty members actively involved in research, contributing to the body of knowledge in economics, business, and international studies. The faculty also works on collaborations with local and international organisations, providing students with valuable practical experiences, as is the case with Social Impact Manager.

The Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Rijeka looks forward to welcoming the thirteen other SIM project partners in June as it continues to shape the economic and business landscape of Croatia and beyond, making it a hub for education, research, and innovation.

Find out more about EFRI UNIRI

Website: https://www.efri.uniri.hr/en

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EkonomskiFakultetSveucilistaURijeci/?locale=hr_HR

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ekonomski-fakultet-rijeka/?originalSubdomain=hr

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/efri_uniri/?hl=hr

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