
Based on the surveys, interviews and focus groups conducted by partners, we mapped and researched this primary data to assess the needs of companies and local communities.

CSR & Community Development: A Comprehensive Analysis

WP2 Leaders, Project School undertook a comprehensive analysis of the CSR and community development methods and practices in place in five partner countries: Austria, Croatia, France, Greece and Italy.

Download the analysis reports to discover:

– Findings at the five country levels from the research at the company and local authority level.

– Trends and differences among the different countries on the relationship between CSR and community development.

– A profile of a company socially responsible towards its local community.

The knowledge that emerged from this analysis is one of our project’s key elements as, it enables the transformation and development of the community by focusing on what already exists in terms of challenges, desires, needs, and expectations. It also empowers stakeholders (local companies and communities) by promoting horizontal relationships, as a response to the challenges we have identified at the local level.

Download the CSR & Community Development Report





